Ground Breaker is growing, but the demand for 100% gluten-free craft beer is growing faster. We continue in our efforts to bring award-winning gluten-free craft beers to all 50 states, but in the meantime we wanted to create something that could be shared with gluten-free craft beer lovers everywhere. This gluten-free homebrew recipe is the culmination of that effort.
Photo by Darren Black
Gluten-Free Homebrew Recipe - This is a BeerXML file, compatible with brewing software (BeerSmith, Brewtarget, BeerAlchemy, etc). We have also made a PDF available.
How do you increase body and mouthfeel when brewing gluten-free beer at home? The question that helped inform this recipe. When craft beer enthusiasts come into the brewpub to try out our beers, we often hear this question. Founder James Neumeister was recently invited onto Denny Conn & Drew Beechum’s Experimental Homebrewing podcast to answer this very question.
After his guest appearance on the show, James decided to release to the world a basic gluten-free homebrew recipe. This recipe uses a malted sorghum syrup backbone (available at any homebrew supply store) with enhanced body provided by home-roasted lentils and gluten-free buckwheat groats that you can find at most grocery stores. A good beer in its own right, it was designed as a versatile base beer that could be enhanced with fruit, spices, and varieties of hops or yeast.